I have been trying to install Navision Database Server 4.0 on a Windows 2000 Server operating system.
During the installation of Navision Database Server I chose the following:
Setup Type: Custom
Server Name: NAVISION1
Network Protocol: TCP/IP
Cache Size (KB): 10000
Commit Cache: Yes
Select personal license: Yes
Select database now: Yes
I don't want to add a definition of a Navision Database Server to the Active Directory. Instead I changed the hosts and services files on the client, located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc like below.
Then I started the service 'Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision Database Server NAVISION1' on the server.
Finally I tried to connect to the server with following parameters:
Servertype: Navision Database Server
Servername: NAVISION1
Databasename: database
I didn't succeed. Instead I got the following message: TCP/IP error ECONNREFUSED.
What am I doing wrong? Please help!
Rob Keizers
Pulse Automation Experts B.V.
Don't you mean started?
Did you change de hosts and services file on the server AND on the client pc?
You can always try the following:
Servertype: Navision Database Server
Servername: ipadressofnavisionserver:portnumber
Servertype: Navision Database Server
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!
Yes, I meant started. I changed the HOST and SERVICES file on both the server and the client. Using the IP-address and port-number didn't help..
Rob Keizers
Pulse Automation Experts B.V.
please check at the "Open Database"-Dialog the "Advanced" tab. Have you set the "Net type" to "TCP".
Often it is set to "TCPS" automatically by application.
Maybe it helps.
I'm getting the same results.
I'm actually using also an XP-Pro Svc pack 2 notebook and trying to connect to it locally.
Ping's great, But no response.
If I can't get it to connect locally on the same machine, no way it will connect from a remote desktop to a server.
Anyone have any more ideas to help us?
P.S. On the Registry - I can't find the actual TCP or TCPS statement.
Search in window registry (using regedit.exe) the path where you have installed Navision (something like this C:\Programmi\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Database Server) in data. When you find it continue the search untill you find a key that contains TCPS (you will find it in 2 keys) and change it to TCP.
The name of the registry key is NETTYPE, the type is REG_SZ and the data is TCPS (and will be TCP)
The TCP/IP connections 'host' is not answering (TCP/IP error ECONNREFUSED).
I can ping the host name from all network PCs, but can only connect from the test server even though I have set all of the network PC's up the same as the server.
I edited the Registry as recommended as my PC had the TCPS setting but this did not help, any ideas?
Set the database as read/modify.
Some servers give you issues if you don't set the perission correctly.
Even if the user is not mapped directly, the system needs read/write permisson to access the database. IF you delete the database and copy/paste a new one. You will need to perform the same thing. You may need to give the permissions to the directory to where the database is stored.
Good luck, this is what cured me.
Geovanny \:D/
Thank-you too Geovanny, the security was also a problem, as soon as I changed the permission I realised I could open it as 'Client Only', but as a Database Server I still had the same message, BUT when I typed in the IP address instead of the host file entry it worked!!!
So I can only guess it is a host file entry issue or the way I named the Database Server that I cannot resolve seeing as though the IP adress in the Server Name worked.