Vendor Ledger Entry VS Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry

surajvsurajv Member Posts: 32
I been asked this question and i have no idea what the uses are. Please can someone clarify this?
What are differences in these two tables?
how are the posting date populated in both tables?


  • lavanyaballurgilavanyaballurgi Member Posts: 235
    VLE is basically things hitting your vendor like invoice & bank payments... while DVLE comes into picture when you apply/un-apply these invoices and payments...
  • surajvsurajv Member Posts: 32
    Thank but am still not able to explain this......can you please an example?
  • surajvsurajv Member Posts: 32
    Thanks but am still not able to explain this......can you please an example?
  • lavanyaballurgilavanyaballurgi Member Posts: 235
    Here is the standard def -
    The Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry table contains all posted entries, including adjustments, related to the document and journal line entries in the Vendor Ledger Entry table.
    Besides the original entry and the applied entry, the Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry table includes any adjustments made to the vendor ledger entry. These could be payment discounts, realized and unrealized losses and gains due to changes in the currency exchange rate, application rounding and corrections due to the rounding of different currencies.

    Vendor Ledger Entry Table
    This table contains posted entries from purchase orders, purchase invoices, purchase credit memos, journal lines, finance charge memos, reminders and refunds.
    When you post to a vendor account, the program creates a vendor ledger entry, which you can see in the Vendor Ledger Entry table by clicking Vendor, Ledger Entries from the vendor card.Vendor ledger entries are created by the posting of a purchase order, invoice, credit memo or journal line.
    All adjustments made to the vendor ledger entry due to, for example, payment discounts or changes in currency exchange rates, are recorded in the Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry table.

    The only fields on a vendor ledger entry that can be changed are the following: On Hold, Due Date, Pmt. Discount Date, Remaining Pmt. Disc. Possible, Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Date and Payment Tolerance. You cannot change the other fields because the entry has been posted.
  • surajvsurajv Member Posts: 32
    Thank you thats great!! I will explains this to the customer now. If i have any further information i will let you know.
  • lavanyaballurgilavanyaballurgi Member Posts: 235
    I would suggest first you understand this & than explain it to your customer...and dont forget to mark this post as SOLVED
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