
TAPI Incoming Calls

RPCRPC Member Posts: 2
edited 2001-09-22 in Navision Financials
Hi All,

Back in October 2000 there were various posts and claims made that suggested that the version 3 release (Attain) would be able to handle incoming telephone calls and fire up a form with that customers details. Is this true ?

If so, please can I have some advice on how to handle this ?

If not, does anybody know a (successful) way of achieving the following :- A customer rings in to a company and via TAPI, Navision can recognise who the caller is and launch a form with the customers name on.

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance



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    JohnPJohnP Member Posts: 56
    In a word, yes. We do a product called VTI (Vorpsrung Telephony Integration) for Navision. If you want more details then please contact my colleague, Ian Silvers (ians@vorsprung.co.uk) and he will be happy to help.

    John Parr
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