If a have a decimal field in the csv file though and that column has a header of 'Amount' then i don't get the chance to access any triggers on the XMLPort except the onPreXMLPort before it throws an error at me.
I cant use the method recommended in this thread because it only works if all the elements are of the "Source Type" text. I was using this method but discovered that I couldnt perform the necessary field validation/assignment in code because of a problem with Xrec. I have to use the inbuilt validation of the XMLPort. To do that I need to import straight into the record variables, some of which are decimal.
Firstline - Boolean
firstline := true;
-OnBeforeInsertRecord- (or wherever you start processing)
IF firstline then begin
firstline := false;
Its quite simple: Find out if you are in the first line. In this case just currxmlport.skip.
If you dont like my solution maybe this can help you out: http://mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54346
I agree with Wisa123. That's correct solution. But we can't see your xml port design.
Best Regards,
That's is different error. If you don't mind, could you show your xml port at here. I hope someone also can help to you.