Dear expert,
We created a customzed inventory report based on the inventory valuation report.
Our customer is using FIFO method. When starting using the system, users did not reserve inventory properly when processing sales order. For example, multiple shipments were applied to one purchase receipt (special ordoer), which is incorrect.
When generating the inventory report, there are items with zero or very small remaining quantity, such as 0.00006. Accordingly, the remaining amount is shown as zero. Users don't want to show the items with zero quantity.
May I know whether there is any way to block showing those items with zero quantity in the inventory report?
Thank you.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
May I know whether there is any better solution other than using Applciation worksheet to manually apply sales shipment with the matching receipt?
Thank you.
It's better to get with your NAV partner and explain to them the problem. You will need to work this out with them.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
@Alex Chow, how do you know he is not working for a NAV partner? A lot of people here assume beginner level questions come from end-users. In reality they just come from beginner level partners! Who just recently added NAV to their product portfolio or something. Sorry, not picking on you, just we do this is often, answers like "ask your partners" or "it must be customized" when in reality it is usually a beginner partner asking how to customize!
A good answer looks like this:
As a short-cut, you can do something like this:
SKIP takes care of totals etc. better than SHOWOUTPUT.
But as Alex correctly mentioned, if this is also used for inventory value, it will show a different value than the G/L.
Given that we are in January and quite probably this is a past year anyhow, you could simply get away with throwing out the 0.000006 kind of stuff from inventory with negative adjustments. Assuming this is old products no longer sold. Or if they are sold then maybe they could be reintroduced under new item no.s Depends on the situation. Although application worksheets is nicer, in earlier versions when it was not possible I often used the OK let's make a new item number, throw the old stock out, and forget about it method
Sometimes, there just is no substitute for getting your partner involved and having an actual meeting and talk about the issues face to face. In Alex's opinion, this is one of those cases, and in his professional opinion he is advising to go talk to the partner. How is that useless?
I agree with Alex 100%, no questions, I would also advise to set up a meeting with the partner and discuss the issues. Not to get more revenue to the partner but because the end user will get the most value out of that.
The answer you're giving is wrong and is dangerous. It's very obvious that you have not really dived into how inventory costing works in Dynamics NAV before trying to help this person.
Sure you can hide the problem, but you have not addressed the root of the problem. Which is why a customized inventory valuation report was created in the first place.
Maybe I should create a thread called:
"Let's not give BS answers when you don't know what the real problem is."
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book