In my code I have a FILE.CREATE statement. When running on RTC with user A, this statement gives me an error: "Either the caller does not have the required permission or the specified path is read-only".
If I use the RUNAS command to start RTC on the same machine with user B, who's defined as administrator on the three tier server, everything works and the file is created on the three tier as expected.
This in itself makes no sense to me. The three tier service is running as a user defined as administrator on the three tier server. And even if I define user A to be administrator on the three tier server, I get the same error.
To me it suggests that RTC users need to have specific permissions on the three tier server?? :shock:
Brian Rocatis
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup
2) The file is created under client user account
3) Sometime the service tier is using temp folder of the account under the service is running, creating subfolder for the client user. But this folder have no permissions to access this folder under the client permissions by default.
4) You can try to use sysinternals proces monitor to look for the access error and to which filder/file it fail.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Also, I'm pretty sure I tried to add the client/end user as Administrator on the NAV 3-tier server without luck.
Assuming you're right, I can't see any reason why Microsoft would implement it like that - it only makes administration and trouble shooting harder.
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup