Hi everyone,
I have an issue with security in NAV 2013 and AD Groups.
We have an application which use NAV security system and we need to be able to use AD Groups.
In NAV 2009 we use the NAV SQL stored functions to get AD groups for a user and then we ckecked permissions for it.
In NAV 2013 I was able to create an account with type 'Windows Group' and defined permissions to it.
I then added an account which belong to this AD group with no permission.
User account take correctly cascading permissions of its group and i am able to log in RTC with it.
But now we need to retrieve in code for a given user its AD group list in case NAV is configured this way, and there... I found no way to do this.
Does anyone have any idea to get AD group list (SID list for example) for a user (SID, User ID or user name) inside a code unit?
Thank you.
Try using Dotnet variables if you can find any class in the dotnet variables whichh gives this.
We have disabled this feature for now and we may go to a custom .net add-in when needed.