Aged Accounts Receivable Report and KB2497299

BenSydneyBenSydney Member Posts: 56
edited 2013-02-21 in NAV Three Tier
Hi, I am trying to apply the code changes of KB 2497299 to report 120 (Aged Accounts Receivables) (NAV2009 R2).
How/where do you apply these code changes?

Here's an extract of the changes to be made:

Change the code in the Documentation in the Aged Accounts Receivable report (120) as follows:
Existing code 1

Replacement code 1

// Add the following lines.
// End of the added lines.


Existing code 2


Replacement code 2

// Add the following line.
// End of the added line.





  • rkucharrkuchar Member Posts: 33

    I am having the same problem. And my Aged Accounts Receivable report is NOT #120... it is #10040. I do not have a report #120 in my Cronus database. I can not find any of the code within the fix.

    Where do I change this code?? :shock:

    Would appreciate any help! Thank you.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Report 10040 is localized for NA from W1 version. You can download the W1 (World Wide) Version of the db and take a look at 120 report and compare it to NA version in your db.

    You can try and apply the fixes to 10040 report. Export it as text and search for the code.

    I don't understand why the KB doesn't provide the object.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • rkucharrkuchar Member Posts: 33
    ara3n wrote:

    You can try and apply the fixes to 10040 report. Export it as text and search for the code.

    One of the first things I did was export the report to a text file and search for the code. It does not exist in the report! That is why I am so confused. :-k It should be a simple fix if I could only find the code.... ](*,)

    But thank you for the suggestion. I'll see if I can download the W1 database from partner source. maybe I can find "similar" code. [-o<
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