Hi all
I'm trying to add some Child elements to the Navigation.
This is done by creating Cues on the rolecenter, using the same source table and having the DrilldownFormID property set to the same list page as the (parent) menu item. In this case "Sales Order List".
Then the Child items are
added automatically (see attached )
The source Cue table is based on flowfields and I need to filter the Sales Order List by the current userID.
Count("Sales Header" WHERE (Document Type=FILTER(Order),Status=FILTER(Open),Created by=FIELD(Userfield)))
But I cannot seem to fetch the UserID (like USERID function) to use in the CalcFormula
I tried doing a second Flowfield to lookup My Session in Session table, but this produces "domain\user" format, not "user"

Any help would be appreciated

(I would like these to be default for the users of this Role center, that why I'm not just adding/saving views on every single user).
There are no other ways to add child element in navigation - to my knowledge!
That did the trick :thumbsup:
For anyone else searching for something like this.
Adding a flowfield on the "Sales Cue" table, filtering it from "SO Processor Activities" OnOpenPage.
Heres more on child items in RTC navigation pane:
Johannes Sebastian