Here in Australia we now have the infamous "carbon tax". I have the task to create a report which will display information necessary for the amount required to pay to the government. For one requirement I have a slight dilemma. As a part of the law, any items that have been received into the country after a certain date are required to pay tax on, UNLESS they are shipped then again overseas (e.g. to NZ). So I need to check through the Sales Shipments for the relevant shipments, then I need to check the date that the items were originally received into inventory. One way to do this would be by checking the ILE, then finding what it was applied from in the Item Application Entries, and go backwards to the original receipt, then check the posting date.
The problem is it get's messy when there is of course transfer orders moving the inventory around, or e.g. a credit memo that had brought the inventory back, etc. I am half way through making it, but wonder if there isn't some function/s already in the system that may help this, or a better method? Any thoughts appreciated.
Please disregard. I have found a completely different (and much simpler) way to address the need so the above is not necessary (thank god). Still would love to know if there are any such functions just out of curiosity. A function like...
