I would like to validate that some fields is modified when the user want to update the record.
I have made corrections in the OnModify for table Job Journal Line.
When I try to insert a new record in the Job Journal and I don't update the field, I get an error that Description must be entered, when I then try to modify the field, I get an error that the uniq keys is wrong. I seens like it has thrown the connection to the record, when I trow an error.
I have tried to move the code to the page trigger, but without any result ](*,) .
Hope that someone can help me :-)
Kind regards
Kenneth Jarlshøi Bolø
Dynateam A/S
Feltet kan ikke valideres, fordi nøglefelter er ugyldige. :?
Best Regards,
Kenneth Jarlshøi Bolø
Dynateam A/S
In Table 210, in the OnModify trigger :
IF (Type = Type::Item) AND (xRec.Type = Type::Item) THEN
IF (Type <> Type::Item) AND (xRec.Type = Type::Item) THEN
// This is my code :
When I insert a record without a description, I get an error :
"Description must have a value in Job Journal Line: Journal Template Name = SAGER, Journal Batch Name=STANDARD, Line No.=190000. It cannot be zero or empty."
Then I update the field, but I can't do that ](*,)
Kenneth Jarlshøi Bolø
Dynateam A/S
"Delete cannot be performed since it has a key error."
Please help, I think that I have to contact Microsoft. :roll:
Kenneth Jarlshøi Bolø
Dynateam A/S
The error states that Description value is missing...
When you dont provide TESTFIELD with the second argument, then the value is checked for not being empty.
But consider stepping back from what you're doing, and do some studying and training before proceding further.
As a partner you have access to all the training material, even instuctor material on partnersource :thumbsup:
Johannes Sebastian
If have tried to change the code to :
IF Description = '' then
error('Description must be entered');
But with same result.
The problem is not the check, but the possibility to change the data after the error.
Kenneth Jarlshøi Bolø
Dynateam A/S