I know Jet Reports rely on Navision Permission setting, but it requires full access to company table T2000000006 with no company filtering.
But what if I have 2 users
- one can access data in all company (A, B, C) data
- another can only access data in only some of the companies (A,
Wht to do on the permission setup? I do not want to set each role to each company as I have > 15 companies in a database and more than 20 related roles to be assigned to users.
Login syn will be horrible. (I guess ](*,) )
I go through some of the post in gxxgle but still no hope.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
I tested to do setup for each role to each company and assign to users, success and login syn is faster than ever, may be due to the specific setup for company. =P~
But the setup for roles is still massive. :-k
any help? [-o<