I have a little question. I found a few VSIFTs, which are not or very rarely used (total reads are 0 or total reads are the same value like updates). To increase write performance I would like to deactivate these VSIFTs. Have I understand it right, that I can deactivate these VSIFTs by unchecking the MaintainVSIFTIndex-field (but I don't change the SumIndexFields-value)? If the sum for this field has to be calculated in the future, Navision recognizes that the MaintainVSIFTIndex-value / -field is unchecked and calculates the value from the base table? The important part is to not change the parameters in the field SumIndexFields and to let the Nav-key activated, am I right with this? As I already said, I just want to uncheck the MaintainVSIFTIndex-value form VSIFTs, which are not or very rarely used and I just want to be sure, that I don't destroy the functionality.
Best regards!
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
thanks for your help and the confirmation of my thoughts. Topic is solved.
Best regards!