Hello All,
I decided to use the Requisition Worksheet for planning Purchase Orders.
I want the system to alarm me when my inventory for specific items falls below certain Qty to make new purchases. So, I'll use these planning paramerers on items' cards:
Reordering Policy: Fixed Order
Reorder Point
Reorder Qty
I setup these paramerers for several items and test it.
The problem is that when i run the function Calculate Plan on the Requisition Worksheet the system always suggests me to purchase the items no matter if my inventory of the items is below or above the Reorder Point Qty.
Can you help me with this problem? Am I missing something?
Also make sure that you are taking into account any demand (e.g., sales orders) for those items when you decide whether the worksheet is right or not.
If you're 100% sure the data is correct, there are possibly hot fixes that you can investigate (there were quite a few hotfixes released for MRP since NAV5, and a few of those dealt specifically with the fixed reorder policy).
- Mark
PS - I also find fixed reorder to be a little limiting. Unless you're calculating EOQ's for fixed replenishment, you might consider switching to min/max (or lot-for-lot depending on whether you want to drive inventory up or down), and using the order multiple modifier.