Hi, we are working on NAV 2009
I'd need your help. Our customer would like to activate warehouse tracking on items which already have entries in order to make some live tests. In fact, I do not believe it is possible.
For the go live we had foreseen to user for all items an item tracking code with all options active, ( we use NAV WMS) since we had serious problems during the go live, we decided to remove the setup form the item tracking code in order to get some items sold. The problem is that now we need to reactivate the item tracking and that the customer would like to make some tests on his database with non mandatory lot n° for the items (just in case).
Is there any way of using "Lot Warehouse tracking" functionality without activating the setup "Lot specific tracking"?
Thx for your help
If you turned on warehouse lot tracking without lot-specific tracking (by changing table data directly), warehouse entries could show lot numbers in stock that the item ledger does not. This would be bad.