Hi - please advise. I am on customer LE and i see following on one line:
Original Amount -0.01
Amount -0.01
Amount (LCY) -0.01
Remaining Amount 0.00
Open: No
I need to clear the -0.01 as the penny appears on my Aged Accounts Receivable report.
Please suggest as posting a journal correction (customer against a runding ac) simply adds a penny to the Remaining amount.
The first Cust. Ledger Entry dataitem of the report has the DataItemTableView property of::
SORTING(Customer No.,Open,Positive,Due Date) WHERE(Open=CONST(Yes))
So why are Open = No showing on your report?? has it been modified?
or are you running it with an old date when it was still open?
With todays date it does not appear in report!