What does line type "Empty" indicate

orjanbrunorjanbrun Member Posts: 15
When viewing code, from a code coverage session, some lines are marked "Empty" in the "Line Type" column. What does this mean? As far as I can see, this is a normal code statement. Also it seems is if these lines may indicate "Executed", also when number of hits is zero...


  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    I guess you are looking at the Code Overview window? As far as I know (and can see) this Line Type = Empty is for empty lines. Or are you looking at somethong different? Or expecting something different?
    Luc van Vugt, fluxxus.nl
    Never stop learning
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  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    when you say empty do you mean blank?

    Here what you see when you click on the "Type" field of the sale line table & hit F1.
    Type Field
    The Sales Line Table
    This field contains the line type.
    The options are:
      Blank - if the type field is blank, you can enter a text in the Description field (you cannot use the other fields). This can be useful if you want to make a comment about the line above.
      G/L Account - the line contains a G/L account
      Item - the line contains an inventory item
      Resource - The line contains a resource number
      Fixed Asset - the line contains a fixed asset
      Charge (Item) - the line contains an item charge

      You can hit F1 on a field to get more information about it.
    • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
      Savatage wrote:
      when you say empty do you mean blank?

      When you say Code coverage, do you mean sales line?

      There is a bit of discripancy between the code actually run and the code marked in black/red in the code coverage.
      Just like the debugger, it is not aligned and some information might be incorrect.

      The only lines you can trust that are correct, are the marked lines. The other lines have been loaded from the object table to complete the picture, but were not found in the memory. (I think)
      If you would have read the helpfile on code coverage, you would know this.

      The line type is not documented, but I think that is the difference between getting marked or not.
      |Pressing F1 is so much faster than opening your browser|
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