This is Sameer Naik and i am using Nav4.0
I want to transfer the data from my store to POS when I run the Scheduler jobs from store to POS outgoing message status showing is forwarded, But same when I check on the POS in message status its showing below error
Field does not exist 1th field name table Tender Type Setup table Tender Type Setup 49,67,0,0,0
I have change the All objects but not effected Kindly please provide the solution..
Seems to be the problem persist with conflicting objects in store and pos database.
1.Clear the packets in store and pos database and perform 'check all locations" activity in store/pos database.
2. Ensure the structure in store and pos database should be same i.e export all/necessary objects from store and import the objects in pos database.
3.Try to reprocess/resend the data packets from store to pos databae which was cleared in step 1.
after importing objects in pos database, recompile the tender type setup table in your case.