hi all,
i am doing a massive (>5k records) transfer of stocks from 1 location to another, 1 bin code to another using item re-class.
but when i tried to post them got an error: item specification exists.
firstlt i export all the stocks in my ILE with remaining qty>0 out to csv file, then i re-import them into a re-class journal.
the importing into item journal was good, until i tried to post the reclass journal got item tracking issues.
it seems some item are set with item tracking code, and they are associate with some sales documents (eg: sales quote, sales line, blanket orders) already.
how do i modified the item tracking specification thingy?
First thing to do would be to make sure you're not trying to import a serial number that exists in the item tracking specification table. If that's not the issue, you may have to debug the error and trace back to the initial data issue. (Or maybe someone else has run into this exact issue and has more insight).
Lot number is required for item 12345.
When I do debugging, it goes to CU22, SplitJnlLine,
IF NOT ItemJnlLine2.Correction THEN // Undo quantity posting.
ERROR(Text011); ](*,)
See this post for a dataport that can import lot and serial #'s into the item journal - you'll have to make some minor changes to bring it into the reclass journal: http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=40566
ok got your code from the reference website>> http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=40566 to insert into reservation entry :thumbsup:
IF (codSerialNo<>'') OR (codLotNo<>'') THEN BEGIN
IF lrecResEntry.FIND('+') THEN
lrecResEntry."Entry No." := lrecResEntry."Entry No." + 1
lrecResEntry."Entry No." := 1;
lrecResEntry."Item No." := "Item No.";
lrecResEntry."Reservation Status" := lrecResEntry."Reservation Status"::Prospect;
lrecResEntry."Source Type" := DATABASE::"Item Journal Line";
lrecResEntry."Source ID" := "Journal Template Name";
lrecResEntry."Source Subtype" := 2;
lrecResEntry."Source Ref. No." := "Line No.";
lrecResEntry."Source Batch Name" := "Journal Batch Name";
lrecResEntry."Location Code" := "Location Code";
lrecResEntry."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
lrecResEntry.VALIDATE("Quantity (Base)", Quantity);
lrecResEntry.Positive := TRUE;
lrecResEntry."Expected Receipt Date" := "Posting Date";
lrecResEntry."Creation Date" := WORKDATE;
lrecResEntry."Serial No." := codSerialNo;
lrecResEntry."Lot No." := codLotNo;
lrecResEntry."Expiration Date" := dExpiryDate;
(codSerialNo<>'') AND (codLotNo=''):
lrecResEntry."Item Tracking" := lrecResEntry."Item Tracking"::"Serial No.";
(codSerialNo='') AND (codLotNo<>''):
lrecResEntry."Item Tracking" := lrecResEntry."Item Tracking"::"Lot No.";
(codSerialNo<>'') AND (codLotNo<>''):
lrecResEntry."Item Tracking" := lrecResEntry."Item Tracking"::"Lot and Serial No.";
i copied and modified your code into my dataport where will functions to import all items into item reclass journal.
But when i post the similar error occured: #-o
It seems the only way you should be getting that error is if NAV is trying to split the application of the reclass line across multiple existing item ledger entries (though that shouldn't happen either, which is why I mentioned bringin in only the bare minimum fields). If you bring in one journal line per item ledger entry, it might help.
- Mark
1.Are you doing one reclass journal line for each open item ledger entry: YES
2.And are you importing in only the bare minimum of fields required for the reclass on the item journal
field as follows:
2.1 Journal Template Name
2.2 Journal Batch Name
2.3 Line No.
2.4 Item No.
2.5 Unit of Measure Code
2.6 Location Code
2.7 Entry Type
2.8 Document No.
2.9 Posting Date
2.10 New Location Code
2.11 New Bin Code
2.12 Lot No.
2.13 Unit Cost
2.14 Journal Created By
2.15 Journal Created Date
You may be stuck debugging the error to figure out which line is causing the issue and then trying to determine why.
PS - another thing you could try is to replace the direct insert into the reservation entry table with a call to CreateReservationFor (can't remember the exact name right now). The direct insert approach is purposely used to override the default reservation entry processing on positive adjustments. However, for reclass entries it may not be sufficient to prepare the line for posting.
You may be stuck debugging the error to figure out which line is causing the issue:
CU22 Item Jnl.-Post Line- SplitJnlLine(VAR ItemJnlLine2 : Record "Item Journal Line";PostItemJnlLine : Boolean) : Boolean
IF NOT ItemJnlLine2.Correction THEN // Undo quantity posting.
hows the run costing effecting reclass journal ?
firstly call-CreateReservEntryFor()
secondly call-SetNewSerialLotNo()
finally the last one to call-CreateEntry()
basically i create a reservation entry and the item tracking issues was solved ! \:D/
thanks for your help! :thumbsup: =D>