To-do No. Field Updatation in Interaction Log Entry

AlagarAlagar Member Posts: 100
Can anyone tell me when To-do No. Field will be Updated in Interaction Log Entry?.




  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    If the interaction has been created in order to complete a to-do, this field contains the number of the to-do. This field is not editable.

    The program automatically fills in this field based on the information you have entered in the Create Interaction wizard or the Segment window
  • AlagarAlagar Member Posts: 100
    Hi Mohana,

    Thanks for your reply,i have created the To do No. when i was doing the create interaction wizard,but that To do No. has not updated in the "To do No." field in Interaction log entry table.this is my issue,Could you please explain me any setup i have to do before i do create interaction wizard.

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