Navision Web interface

Andrey.ChudinAndrey.Chudin Member Posts: 7
Hi, everybody!

Our team of independent developers created a software engine aimed at
working with MS Navision with standard browser IE 6.0., appearance and
behavior of interfaces being very similar to standard Navision windows

It is much easier, more flexible and convenient to convert
Navision forms to their web presentations with our application
comparing to User Portal. All business logic including users
authorization control is implemented in Navision.

We would be grateful if you submit your opinion on our application. Test version may be found at
You would need browser IE 6.0 to have application displayed correctly.


  • jonkarjonkar Member Posts: 13
    Your Web-based Navision looked very nice!!!

    Good job!

    When do you think it will be available to the general public?

    I would very much like to try it out on our test server.

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    oh wait.... I opened it in Firefox first, my bad :whistle:

    That looks really nice man, congratulations. I am sure you guys will make tons of money, when you can get some more functionality. But this looks very promising. =D>
  • mmaxgonmmaxgon Member Posts: 9
    jonkar wrote:
    Your Web-based Navision looked very nice!!!
    Good job!
    When do you think it will be available to the general public?
    I would very much like to try it out on our test server.

    It is actually already available for commercial use. We a seeking for partners who will help us to introduce our technology to the end-clients. We are ready to consider all possible forms of co-operation, such as working as sub-contractors for our partners or we could supply our partners with our product and carry out training demanded for product implementation.

    To try it on your test server you have to deploy web.agent and than convert your navision forms and tables to their web presentations. The process of convertion requires skills in our technology.

    Maxim Goncharov
  • mmaxgonmmaxgon Member Posts: 9
    DenSter wrote:
    oh wait.... I opened it in Firefox first, my bad :whistle:
    That looks really nice man, congratulations. I am sure you guys will make tons of money, when you can get some more functionality. But this looks very promising. =D>

    We implemented full scope of Navision functionality: lookup and drilldown fields, validation, trigger calls sorting, filtering and so on. Our engine is able to perform any navision function calls located in tables and codeunits. What you see on our test site is simply a demo presentation, but it gives impression on what we've done.

    About tons of money... May be with your help? [-o<

    Maxim Goncharov
  • Alexey_PavlovAlexey_Pavlov Member Posts: 10
    Greate job guys!

    But little bit slow.

    Which technology do you use? AppServer+MSMQ?

    Does your solution helps to reduce number of Navision sessions?
    Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
  • janpieterjanpieter Member Posts: 298
    Great job indeed. Looks usefull!

    It is probably show because of connection bandwith. I downloaded the PDF with 5kb/s. This is my slowest download speed since 1999 :mrgreen: .

    Ah well, probably there are a lot of people currently testing making the connection slow.
    In a world without Borders or Fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
  • Andrey.ChudinAndrey.Chudin Member Posts: 7
    Greate job guys!
    Which technology do you use? AppServer+MSMQ?
    Does your solution helps to reduce number of Navision sessions?

    Navision AppServer + MSMQ + Spellabs Web.Agent operating under IIS as AppServer.

    For details see:
    english paper:
    russian paper:
    Does your solution helps to reduce number of Navision sessions?

    Of course, approximately 15 active clients work simultneously using only one Navision App Server license.
  • Andrey.ChudinAndrey.Chudin Member Posts: 7
    Microsoft included spellabs web.agent in the latest russian Isv Solutions Catalog:
  • kikkomankikkoman Member Posts: 57
    excellent job thats what i want to do, learn how to integrate navision with other applications and tools... im fairly new to navision, roughly 6 months, but i hope within another 6months i'll be a better programmer..hehehe... im not the best programmer, but o do i love programming.
  • NaveenReddyNaveenReddy Member Posts: 53
    I looked your product its great but bit slow. I am wondering whether we can run reports from navision using your web agent?

    Naveen REddy
  • Andrey.ChudinAndrey.Chudin Member Posts: 7
    Web.Agent don't use native Navision reports. We use MS Reporting Services to create web reports for Navision.
  • elias_kelias_k Member Posts: 11
    Really great job.
    What happens with lisences ? How many lisences does a customer need to run on web ? The customer needs one Nav Server license and licenses from u? Or each client needs both Navision and your license to work?

    Keep going
    give me some time
  • IDPartnerIDPartner Member Posts: 6
    Very nice indeed! How do you propose to sell it? As a tool or with all the forms ready for use? Please send details of pricing and terms for reselling
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