Restricting access to a Page

ifonlyifonly Member Posts: 34
edited 2013-01-28 in NAV Three Tier
Hi, so far we have a number of users that have too much access to parts of Nav that they should not i.e.The ability to go to the Chart of Accounts & Drill down. I know permissions will affect this, so how do i allow people to do their normal roles i.e. Raise & post Sales Orders etc but not allow them to view the Chart of Accounts?

Can you block access to a page? or remove it from their views/setup?

I did ask our partner, but they were not the most helpful & said we would have to use trial & error in the test system which I'm happy to do, but need a good starting point as this must be a common question?

The same maybe to block access to administration/IT administration etc




  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    You can check the Base Roles given in Cronus database which will give you some help in starting..
  • ifonlyifonly Member Posts: 34
    Sorry, this did not help, how do people stop users from entering pages?
  • Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
    This is an interesting's something we've always done in the classic client, but in NAV 2013 i'm having a hard time doing it through the RTC since permissions are now set up there. Maybe someone can help on what i'm doing wrong...

    We typically remove the "Page 0" permission from the ALL or BASIC role. We then go to all objects, select all Page rows, copy them, then paste them back into the role. Then we give all those rows execute permission. Then, we remove some of the most sensitive pages (Chart of Accounts, General Ledger Entries, etc.) to be sure that users can't get to them unless they're given specific permissions (which we add for the respective pages under other roles).

    In the RTC in NAV 2013, I am not able to do this. I can go to All Permissions to list all pages, then I try to select them all, then copy. When I paste back into the role permissions, only the first chunk of rows are coming in (up to page 124). Has anyone else been able to do this in the RTC?
  • Excepti0nalExcepti0nal Member Posts: 74
    I believe you are on the right track. By default, the basic role has pages set to zero, which will give the users access to all pages. I talked with another colleague and we decided to remove the page permission with zero and add each page that the user should be able to access.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Another way you can go about it is to use the NAV Easy Security add-on by Per. It's more flexible than just taking the whole page out and reconfiguring everything on your own.
  • Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
    I'm still not sure why I am unable to do this in the RTC (copy from a filtered list of All Permissions and paste back into the role), as we've done that for years. Is anyone else able to get that to work properly?
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