Changing sales person on a released Sales Invoice Header

Stevy89Stevy89 Member Posts: 4
hello guys!!

I'm having an issue with changing salesperson code on a released sales invoice header. (NAV 2009 classic)

I created a sales invoice and sent it for approval. After approval the sales line is released. At this point a request is made to change the salesperson code in the released sales invoice. So I clicked on function and clicked on "Cancel Approval Request". When i did that I got the following message;

"The approval request cannot be cancelled because the order has already been released. To modify this order, you must reopen it."

When "Reopen" button is clicked the sales order is reopened. When I change the salesperson code after opening the sales invoice I get the following message;

"You must cancel the approval process if you wish to change the salesperson Code."

Am I doing something wrong? Can someone tell me what i should do please?

Thank you in advance guys!
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