Multiple Country/Language access to one NAV 2013 database

alvi99alvi99 Member Posts: 71
edited 2014-05-19 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

I have a customer that wants to have several subsidiaries located in different countries to access one NAV 2013 database in their own language. Since NAV 2013 is now a Unicode program, I believe this is possible but have I missed something? The client language will be English for all.

This is the setup:
Windows 2008 R2 server
NAV 2013 RTM
SQL server 2012
Access to database: Terminal services

A Chinese user is logging on to NAV though terminal services. A Chinese keyboard has been installed on the server and attached to this user. The user enters data in Chinese. (tested and works)

An English user is logging on to NAV though terminal services. An English keyboard has been installed on the server and attached to this user. The user enters data in English. (tested and works)

Both users can export data to excel with their respective letters. The Excel version installed on the server is 2010 English. Using Rapidstart services to export/import Excel data, the Chinese user gets this error: “EXCEL Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))”. Multilingual User Interface Pack for Chinese needs to be installed which I am currently doing.

Can you think of any other problems I could run into with this setup? What collation should be set on the database?

Thanks in advance,


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    The collation is used for sorting. You should figure out what sorting your users want.
  • alvi99alvi99 Member Posts: 71
    Hi Mark,

    Yes but collation applies for the whole database and if users run diffent language in let say 5 companies I would like to use a more general collation e.g. latin? Really don't much about database collation - need to study it...

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I have no idea how chinese sort with latin1.

    Maybe it is unusable.

    I implemented latin1 on a Danish system once and people said it was unusable with sorting the Danish characters.

    They got used to it after a while... these Danish... :mrgreen:
  • wicwic Member Posts: 96
    did you find the trick? I got same error.. on the Original VM from Microsoft added with some language and Excel 2013... the error occurs when exporting "analysis View" to excel.
    Thanks a lot

    #### Only one can survive ######
  • urpokurpok Member Posts: 23
    You have to change locale to match the language version of your Excel. That worked for me. Microsoft has also given out some other resolutions that can work better for you:

    Especially creating a subfolder named after desired locale containing a excel.exe renamed to "xllex.dll" sounds really interesting. Havent tested it though :)

    regards, urpo
    "There is no spoon."
  • Vincent_VancalberghVincent_Vancalbergh Member Posts: 10
    Just wanna let you know, the "copy and rename excel.exe" worked for me.

    Local Regional Settings: Dutch (Belgium) 2067
    Excel installation: English (United States) 1033

    Create folder 2067 in Office15.
    Copy "excel.exe" to folder
    Rename to "xllex.dll"

    Try again: Success !
    Senior Technical Consultant at Edan Business Solutions/Sphinx IT
    Owner of V-Kwadraat (see my blog about Programming and my feed about Gaming!)
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