Hi all,
I have a report using a request form with several text fields, check boxes etc..
If I click the OK button I want to make sure that text fields are not empty.
How can I do that? I cannot find any trigger which is executed if I click the OK button.
If I put my 'check'-code inside the OnPreDataItem of first Dataitem it is too late since the request form is already closed.
Thanks for any help!
thanks for reply, but unfortunately this also dos not work.
The request form is already closed if I run the code inside OnPreReport.
What I need is that the user stays on the request form until he has entered something inside the textfield.
So what should happen:
1. Request form opens, textfield is empty
2. User does not enter something in texfield
3. User clicks OK on request form
4. Code must be executed and check if textfield is empty
5. If textfield is empty, request form must not close and user gets message to enter something into textfield then back to point 3.
6. If textfield contains something the request form is closed and report runs as usual.
Thanks for any further help!
thanks for reply. I think / feel the same. So I will deal with an extra form.
However, the parameter values which the user may have entered in the request form will be blanked out.
Here you can test, show a message and exit the trigger with FALSE.
So the page stays open and the values are still there.
If the check is successful exit with TRUE.
You can also determine, which button the user has pressed. It's the call parameter of the trigger.
If he has pressed CANCEL you can immediate leave the trigger with return value TRUE.