The steps followed to instal Nav40.0 have been following the Installation manual
1 I have installed Nav. 4.0 on server (both Client an server)
2 I have installed the service on the server.
but when i try to open de db (sql) by using the service the system is blocked. I do not know if some parameters is missing....
Thanks for the help!
2) Is the service correctly started? (see event log after you start the service that all is ok, like license, database path etc.)
3) Have you checked the service setup? (like cache size is <=700MB, network type is TCP and not TCPS etc.)
4) When connecting, are you sure that you have correct network type selected in the client? (TCP not TCPS).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Are you using the right client? (NAV vs NAVSQL)
You talk about installing the service but then mention SQL. WHich is it? Native or SQL?