How come no matter how much you tell users to 'take these steps ... or your new software/modifications/program wont work', they don't do it?
They just call you up saying 'it doesn't work'
'Did you do what I said?'
* me hangs up phone
I had someone call me once saying 'my phone isn't working'!!!!!
I've had people call me up saying 'my computer isn't working' after an office turns out they hadn't pressed the ON switch after we'd moved their equipment..! THEIR COMPUTER WAS TURNED OFF!£!£! 10 minutes later someone from the same desk calls me up and says they have the same problem...!!£%$!£""£
I've had someone who had a network socket under their desk, who constantly ran his chair wheels into it and kicked it while he was spinning on his chair... and then wondered why his network connection wasn't working!
So all general users take note! Use your common sense before you phone the IT department...they don't need the extra stress!
I think that will help stop them making calls without trying to solve the problem themself. .
But then again, they are your customer. You make a living out of them [-X
However, not noticing the computer has an on switch would be high on my stupidity list...
no business = no job
no job = hungry
I like to eat, so I am happy to have users with questions, any type of questions. Just as I think 'what a stupid question', I ask one myself in a different field. Those questions may sound stupid to you, but in their frame of reference may be perfectly valid questions.
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.