We are using Kitting for our Promotional items, and is working as it should. Not maintaining inventory on the Promo Item, and pulling the three items associated with the Promo Item (kit) from inventory when order is shipped. Works great. Now, comes time to do a credit on an order that has the Promo code on it. What it's doing is putting 1 Promo Item back into stock (which we do not maintain inventory on), and not the three items attached to the Promo Item in a kit.
How I came across this was seeing inventory increase against these Promo codes where there should not be any (because of kitting). Should it not work the same way as when it's shipped just in reverse?
Any thoughts?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Much more complicated than you would think, so try to avoid it.
We were looking for NAV to handle this right from the credit memo screen.
It is always dangerous to assume that features are included which is why requirements should be vetted against the software package's features and the cost of all changes defined and added to the product cost.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to think of everything.
I had to make the change because of sales tax issues at the component level.
If this is not an issue for you, then I suggest you receive back the kit and then run journals to disassemble it - or wait until you upgrade to NAV 2013 and see if it handles it the way you need.