I know we can use the -configure to create Profile Metadata for each profile/role.
Is there a way to use one profile or setting to make global metadata changes for all profiles at once?
The goal here would be to remove something like "Currency Code" from all cards/lists but leave it available because a few users would actually need it so a change to the page would not be appropriate.
I made a processing only report to copy from one Profile to another,
very simple...
Profile Metadata - OnAfterGetRecord()
"Profile Metadata".CALCFIELDS("Page Metadata Delta");
NewProfileMetadata.TRANSFERFIELDS("Profile Metadata");
NewProfileMetadata."Profile ID" := NewProfile;
but it only works with cards, and it seems that it would be much simpler if there was a way to do it globally with one profile.
As a side question, why is the Personalization ID (Order Processor)for the "Customer List" = 0000232E-0000-001A-0008-0000836BD2D2 and "Customer Card" = 21?
(IT Manager has 1B438335-3B97-4679-9CA4-B5FE505C832C for "Customer List")
Is there a way I can generate the correct ID (codeunit to look at?)?
Just looking for some time savers...

Thanks for any thoughts and responses!
We just trained them on how to do it themselves and made some "Configuration" icons on a users desktop.