Is there any way to pass additional parameters to a ReadMultiple function on a Page type NAV Web Service. I need the parameters in NAV to apply filtering on a related table to the one I am returning as part of the Page. I cannot do this through FlowFields or FlowFilters.
I am not opposed to using an extension codeunit, but I need to call it before the ReadMultiple and therefore I don't have a record instance to pass the Key for and it doesn't like null keys.
I know I could do it with a codeunit function that returns XML, but I would really like for this to return data from a Page Type web service in a single call if possible.
Dim retval As New List(Of hybridObjects.customerConfirmation)
Dim lstOrders() As SalesHeaderCard
Dim filters As List(Of SalesHeaderCard_Filter) = New List(Of SalesHeaderCard_Filter)
Dim filter As SalesHeaderCard_Filter
'sales header service pointer
Dim SalesHeaderService As SalesHeaderCard_Service = New SalesHeaderCard_Service
With SalesHeaderService
.Url = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_wsURL & "Page/SalesHeaderCard")
.UseDefaultCredentials = False
.Credentials = _creds
End With
'set filter values
filter = New SalesHeaderCard_Filter
filter.Field = SalesHeaderCard_Fields.Document_Type
filter.Criteria = paenav.SalesHeaderCard.Document_Type.Order
'filter.Criteria = Document_Type.Return_Order 'just change to this doc type for ra's
filter = New SalesHeaderCard_Filter
filter.Field = SalesHeaderCard_Fields.Order_Date
filter.Criteria = ">=" & orderDate
'try filtering by originatorUserID
filter = New SalesHeaderCard_Filter
filter.Field = SalesHeaderCard_Fields.Location_Code
filter.Criteria = locationCode
lstOrders = SalesHeaderService.ReadMultiple(filters.ToArray(), "", 0)
If ((lstOrders IsNot Nothing) And (lstOrders.Length > 0)) Then
For Each shc As SalesHeaderCard In lstOrders
Dim custConfirmation As New hybridObjects.customerConfirmation
With custConfirmation
.po = shc.Your_Reference
.orderNumber = shc.No
.orderDate = shc.Order_Date
.orderStatus = shc.Status.ToString
.requestedDeliveryDate = shc.Requested_Delivery_Date
.sellToCust = shc.Sell_to_Customer_Name
.billToCust = shc.Bill_to_Name
.orderAmt = shc.Amount
.blocked = shc.Blocked.ToString
End With
'retval = lstOrders
End If
Return retval.ToArray
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
However, I don't think this helps with my situation.
What I really need is to return an Item List with Prices based on a Customer No., Customer Price Group and Customer Discount Group.
What I can't figure out is how to feed the Item Card web service the parameters Customer No., Customer Price Group and Customer Discount Group so that it can use them to calculate the proper Price to include in the returned list of items on a ReadMultiple call.