what is the the different between COPY method and TRANSFERFIELDS method
i know that TRANSFERFIELDS copies fields based on the Field No. property of the fields. For each field in Record (the destination), the contents of the field with the same Field No. in FromRecord (the source) will be copied, if such a field exists.
but i wont to know in which cases i use COPY and in which cases i use TRANSFERFIELDS ????
thank u
I have real table of the same subtype (RT)
And I recive the message "0 , 269"
Why COPY don't work?
PLEASE read the manual
Copy command does not copy the table (contents) it copies record variable (and record variable is also not a record itself)
hi randrews,
"copy" only copies the contents of one record to the other.
copying the contents of a table to a tempory table has to be done with the use of a loop like
This copies the records data plus all filters, marks etc.
Transfer field values for different tables based on their fieldnumber
Assigning ItemRec2 := ItemRec
Copies only field values (same record variable)
Fastest when copying values from one record variable to another is the assignment method.
I read manual !
Help (CSIDE reference):
Nothing about temporary tables.
To tell the truth I don't need this function (in a half year of using C/AL).
I copy through REPEAT, UNTIL in temporary table.
I saw this topic, and deside try this method (with reading help).