Manufacturing - Finshed BOM Items sold as different Item No

robwillrobwill Member Posts: 5

One of our customer will be using NAV manufacturing (NAV 6 R2). They sell item number (called catalog items) that are different from their final finished BOM item. The reason for this is that BOM items are based upon drawings specification and each customer can customize their final item that would then created a new drawing version and customer then register new drawing as new BOM Item.

For e.g. Salesperson can book an catalog item - CAT-1001 on sales order where as the actual finished BOM Item will be 1001.

This would lead to various issues in NAV manufacturing - MPS/MRP planning, Forecasting etc. since catalog items are NOT linked to finished BOM items and when there would an independent demand(SO/Forecast), the catalog items would not represent the finished BOM items.

Q1. Do they need to treat the finished BOM item as consumption for the Catalog item in the system?
If yes, how to setup this scenario?
If No, then any other suggestions?



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