In a very special case, we detected a very serious problem in the calculation of the planned production in Navision Manufacturing v4 :
For a production of a finished product (named for instance PF) including a prerequisite production of semi-manufactured products (named SF1 and SF2 and produced in the same workplace), we obtained the following planning :
Begin PF production
Begin SF1 production (which must normally begin and finish BEFORE FP)
End SF1 production
Begin SF2 production
End PF production
End SF2 production (At the calendar ending time !!!)
PF production
.............<----SP1 prod----> <----SP2 prod----> (end time calendar)
Instead of :
Begin SF1 production
End SF1 production
Begin SF2 production
End SF2 production
Begin PF production
End PF production
<--SP1 prod--> <--SP2 prod--> <
PF production
Obviously, we must product semi-manufactured products BEFORE the finished product to obtain an coherent production.
Nevertheless in the first case, the Ending time of the SF2 production is lined up to the END TIME of the PF production (when ending time PF production = Calendar Ending time), or more generally to the end time of the calendar (if PF production ends before), instead of it BEGIN TIME of the PF production!!
We obtained this strange result in this particular case :
All the production occurs in THE SAME DAY and the production times are pretty short. For instance:
Finished product PF (manufactured on stock)
Semi-manufactured SF1 (manufactured on stock)
Semi-manufactured SF2 (manufactured on stock)
Raw material MP1 (bought)
Raw material MP2 (bought)
PF – Range G1 - manufactured on Workplace P1 (unit time product = 0.3 mn)
Nomenclature = SF1 + SF2
SF1 – Range G2 - manufactured on Workplace P2 (unit time product = 0.1 mn)
Nomenclature = MP1
SF2 – Range G2 - manufactured on Workplace P2 (unit time product = 0.1 mn)
Nomenclature = MP2
We order 20 PF, generating a corresponding Production Order, witch generate itself 2 Production Orders for SF1 and SF2 products
That’s all !!
We also note that if the planned production of PF involve 2 days instead of one, SF1 and SF2 are producted on the first day (that is normal) but once again, the ending time of SF2 is lined up to the calendar ending time of the first day, instead of the begging time of the PF production, so that the PF production begin BEFORE the end of the SF2 production.
After we changed a lot of parameters, we did’nt succeed to obtain a correct result
For us, this problem seems to be an error in the calculation of the planned production
Did somebody already meet this problem and did you find any solution ?
Thank you in advance for your pieces of advise
Important question is if are all SF's and PF in one production order or are ordered separately.
SF's and PF are ordered separatly and the customer must use the make-to-supply option
After having submitted this problem to Microsoft, they identified this one as a malfunction of Navision and support teams are currently working to correct it, I gess, in a futur patch