Date Compression

philbertphilbert Member Posts: 5
edited 2005-03-24 in Navision Financials
Morning All,

We are just about to begin migration to a new Navision solution from fin 2.6 and have decided the best policy will be to date compress everything in the Item Ledger Entry table up to year end 2003, and then port that across to the new Db. A suggestion has been made to remove/ disable all the keys that aren't needed during compression in order to speed things up..
Anyone know if this is a good idea or if it will work at all?
We are running 2.6 with a 110GB C/Side DB



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I think it is good idea, but you must check if you did not disable the needed keys... :-) If you disable the keys, size of your db can be half...
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