We have item A, which is a purchased item using SKU's, and on numerous BOM's. When we run the planning worksheet for item A is there a way that we can have it accumulate all the demand for the item and produce a single line on the worksheet stating how much is needed to purchase. Basically if total demand minus what we have in inventory is 1000, let me know that I have to purchase 1000. Very basic, very simple. Currently there are numerous lines on the worksheet for the same item, which produces numerous reservation entries., etc. We have tried all kinds of planning parametres to no avail. Components at location box is filled on the MFG setup.
NAV2009 SP1
seems you have the "Reordering Policy" on the Planning tab of your item set to "Order".
If that is the case, change e.g. to "Maximum Qty." but leave the field "Maximum Order Quantity" as 0 (zero).
That should do the trick if I understood your issue correctly.
As you can see there is lots of demand for the item. What we require is one line on the planning work sheet instructing us to purchase the sum of the requirements. When I click on the round yellow i button on the left it's stating:
Exception: The projected available inventory is below Safety Stock Quantity 0 on 10/17/12. 0.00
Attention: The Starting Date 10/17/12 is before the work date 10/18/12. 0.00
We need this to be real simple. Just tell us what we need to purchase for the item for all demand for the period given when we run the planning work sheet.
Any thoughts?
I changed on my example Item to "Fixed Reorder Qty" with 0 on Maximum Order Qty but still only get 1 line (for 2 different Sales order lines for same item).
Only other option I can think of is the "Reorder Cycle" field. Put in a Dateformula long enough to hold all the time period of those sales lines.
I tested this on a Cronus standard DB NAV 2009 R2.