
vickyrwtvickyrwt Member Posts: 3
edited 2012-10-11 in NAV Three Tier
I have a query that,
in the report i have a field name Entry Type as option type with consumption and output as its option string, so i want to print firstly the records with "Entry Type"::Consumption and then the records with "Entry Type"::Output should be printed.
Please help me out.,.........


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Welcome to Mibuso :D

    Can you tell us what did you try and what is not working?
  • vickyrwtvickyrwt Member Posts: 3
    Actually I have dataitem Daily Prod. Ledger Entryand I have
    code the in Predataitem trigger:

    "Daily Prod. Ledger Entry".SETFILTER("Daily Prod. Ledger Entry"."Entry Type",'%1 |%2',"Daily Prod. Ledger Entry"."Entry Type"::
    Consumption,"Daily Prod. Ledger Entry"."Entry Type"::

    But Its Not working Because its showing the one line of consumption record of entry type then record of Output;but i want to see the records in a group of consumption then group of output.
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