I have a MetaData problem
I use a french application over Nav that have a couple of objects that are protected (no source code) :thumbsdown: .
so the question is :
Is it possible for them to compile those object and to send me a FOB and the Metadata in any ways ?
because those objects wont compile since no source and webservices needs the metadata.
Thank y'all
I need to use webservices so I need to have Metadata.
The customer has an Nav Addin that have a couple of objects that are protected (no source code available)
Since the metadata are built during compile and put into a table.
How can I manage to have correct metadata for those objects? When I receive some new FOB
Not sure my explanation is clear but don’t better
the guys that did the dev protected the source code by removing it, so when you import the fob the metadata is not updated.
is it possible to create correct metadata with a codeUnit or in some other way ?