Hi All,
I try to Register "Client Add-in" in NAV 2013.following below URL.
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nav/archive/201 ... dd-in.aspx
BUt when i try to generate a "Public Key Token" in Visual Studio Command Prompt getting Error Message like this
'Sn' is not recognized as as internal or External command,operable program or batch file.
Kindly view the attachments.
Please Help me.

Did you use "Visual Studio Command Prompt" to create Public key token ? It is required Visual Studio Command Prompt which is installed while We install Visual Studio SDK.
If you use normal command prompt then you will get such error.
If Suggestion is helpful and solved the problem then please mark it as solved.
I use the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" only instead of "Normal command prompt".From the attachements you can see the
"Visual Studio Command Prompt'.
I think your visual studio SDK is not installed properly.There is error in 2nd line of your screenshot of Command prompt.
Error : "ERROR: Cannot deternmin the location of the VS Common Tools Folder."
Please Install SDK Properly or if it is installed then repaired it. That will solve your problem.
If Suggestion is helpful and solved the problem then please mark it as solved.
Thanks for your Valuable reply.Now i can able to Run
"Sn –T “C:\Users\muthusubramanian.m\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\NSpeech\NSpeech\bin\Debug\NSpeech.dll” in
Visual Studio Command Prompt from this how can i identified Public key token ?
Kindly view the attachment from the attachment you can see the exact problem .
please help me. ](*,)
Create New public key token by creating new snk file using command shown as below:
sn -k keyPair.snk
Then Set Created New Snk file in Configuration Manager in Visual Studio Project.
Let me know if it works.
If Suggestion is helpful and solved the problem then please mark it as solved.
I have given following line In Visual Studio Command Prompt
Sn -k C:\Users\muthusubramanian.m\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Jack\Jack\bin\Debug\Jack.snk
after one new snkfile is created(kindly view the attachment).
Now what can i do.please give me suggestion whether this is correct or not.?
please help me? ](*,)
You can also create the new strong name signature right from that project property dialog.
Good luck!
(In order to use the AddIn on a NAV page you need now to find out what the Private Key Token in that signature is and register it in the ""Client Add-Ins" table in NAV.)
Christian Abeln
Program Manager Microsoft
Dynamics NAV