Send Mail: Choose Outlook profile always comes up

FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
NAV 2009 R2 Classic Client 6.0.33597, Std. Cronus (also tried 6.0.33661, 6.0.33639 and 6.0.33346)
Office 2010 Professional (or Standard) 32 Bit
Windows 7 Enterprise x64
SQL 2005 Enterprise x64,

Customer is currently migrating on client side from Windows XP to Win7. When we create an Outlook email from NAV the Outlook Choose Profile message box comes up every time and I am at a complete loss why.
What we do:
Cronus, Open Customer Card, Communication Tab, Press Button "New Mail Message"
In the Wizard put in a subject, make sure "Mail contact on Next" is ticked and hit Next.

If Outlook is not running:
The Choose Profile Message Box comes up. After clicking OK the email is opened in front of NAV.

If Outlook is already running:
The email is opened automatically in the background, NAV stays on top.

The machine and the user are in a domain and there are some group policies which affect the machine and the user which cannot be switched off. So we tried the same with a clean install without any network connectivity.
- W7 Enterprise x64
- Office 2010 Pro w32
- NAV 2009 R2
The exact same result. Interesting enough the same happens if you try to access your Outlook contacts from inside Word. So it seems this is simply an Office Problem. But then Google cannot find something useful about this :shock:

What we checked:
- There is only 1 Outlook Profile and it is the default profile.
- There is no difference if in the "Choose Profile" message box you tick "Save as default" or not
- Creating a complete new MAPI profile and setting it as the default does somewhat help.
- Deactivating all Outlook Addins does not help.
- Event log does not show anything out of the ordinary when this happens.
- The machine is in a domain, the user logging on is a domain user. There are some group policies which affect the machine and the user which cannot be switched off (like Kaspersky must be installed, You must press Ctrl-Alt-Del for logon). A clean install does not help.
- In Partnersource I cannot find any Application hotfix about fixes to CU397, Outlook, OLHandler,...

There is a platform hotfix existing which lists exactly this problem as fixed but only for MS Terminalservers and Citrix Servers, not for W7 (6.0.33597). I tried it anyway and it does not help in our situation.

I guess it is more a problem of Windows / Group Policies / Authentication / Office than of Navision but in the end I have no clue. Did ayone ever encounter such a behaviour and knows what to look for?
Frank Dickschat
FD Consulting


  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Nobody seems to know the reason why this is happening.

    If possible: Can you try the same at your place and let me know the result?
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    One last try, maybe I was not clear enough:

    I would like you to test the following on your side and let me know the result:

    1. Test: Create Email from NAV
    Windows 7 (Version/Language: Fill In Here)
    Outlook 2010 (Version/Language: Fill In Here)
    NAV 2009 (Version/Language: Fill In Here)

    Make sure Outlook is NOT running.
    Open NAV, GoTo Customer Card, Tab Communication, Click on Button "New Mail Message" next to the field E-Mail, In the Wizard put in a subject and click Next.

    Is the Email opened automatically or does the "Choose Profile" Message Box come up?
    If it comes up: Is it opened in front of NAV or in the background?

    2. Test: Access Outlook Contacts from Word
    Windows 7 (Version/Language: Fill In Here)
    Office 2010 (Version/Language: Fill In Here)

    Make sure Outlook is NOT running.
    Open Word, GoTo Mailings , Select Recipients, Select from OutlookContacts...

    Can you access your Outlook contacts directly or does the "Choose Profile" Message Box come up?
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • KYDutchieKYDutchie Member Posts: 345

    this might not have anything to do with your issue, but we recently had a customer that had issues with Outlook 2010 (32Bit) on a 64 Bit Windows 7. Their problem was that non-outlook clients could not receive the emails he was sending from NAV.

    The solution for us was a small fix in Codeunit 397 trigger NewMessage
    OSendMail."To" := ToName;
    OSendMail.CC := CCName;
    OSendMail.Subject := Subject;
    OSendMail.BodyFormat := 2;
    MailGUIDValue := CREATEGUID;
    IF ISCLEAR(BSTRConverterBody) THEN

    Change this into:
    OSendMail."To" := ToName;
    OSendMail.CC := CCName;
    OSendMail.Subject := Subject;
    OSendMail.BodyFormat := 2;
    //MailGUIDValue := CREATEGUID;
    IF ISCLEAR(BSTRConverterBody) THEN

    It might not solve your problem, but it might be related.


    Fostering a homeless, abused child is the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have ever done.
  • KarenhKarenh Member Posts: 209
    We are experiencing this issue. Initially we handled it by opening Outlook automatically. That no longer resolves the problem. Has anyone figured out the solution to this prompt for Profile?
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    We have 2 issues here:

    Prompt for Profile:
    The solution from MS is to ask Outlook for the name of the default profile:
    Fu NewMessage
    IF ISCLEAR(OApplication) THEN
    //- fdi
    // Original Code-
    //IF (NOT OApplication.Logon(TRUE,'','',FALSE,FALSE)) THEN BEGIN
    //  OApplication.Logoff;
    //  EXIT
    // Original Code+
    // Replacement Code-
    IF (NOT OApplication.Logon(TRUE,OLapp.DefaultProfileName,'',FALSE,FALSE)) THEN BEGIN
    // Replacement Code+
    //+ fdi
    OLapp  Automation  'Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library'.Application (12.0 = Office 2007, 14.0 = Office 2010, 15.0 = Office 2013)

    Outlook is opened in the background
    This is a little more complex. Since Office 2010 a Win32 type library is no longer provided from MS. NAV needs it to be able to call the window SetFocus functionality. MS declined to make a Hotfix for NAV.

    DotNet is available in R2, so it's just a matter of creating a component that can handle the window/focus. This is a known issues not only from NAV and there are a lot of threads on this topic how to get the Office app in foreground.
    In 2009 R2 we need to build our own Win32 type library since Microsoft does not supply one. Examples:
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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