Hello Experts.
I was just wondering is there any way to fill the Vendor Field in FIXED ASSET card?
I checked in Cronus DB and even after posting an invoice the field VENDOR in FIXED ASSET is empty(which means it need to be filled manually?)
So now if I want to fill this field while posting an invoice of Fixed asset i think I need to do changes in CODEUNIT 90. Can anyone tell me exactly where to do this in CU90?
IF PurchLine.Type = PurchLine.Type::"Fixed Asset" THEN BEGIN
PurchLine.TESTFIELD("Job No.",'');
PurchLine.TESTFIELD("Depreciation Book Code");
PurchLine.TESTFIELD("FA Posting Type");
//my development +++
FA."Vendor No." := PurchLine."Buy-from Vendor No.";
//my development ---
DeprBook.GET(PurchLine."Depreciation Book Code");
FA.TESTFIELD("Budgeted Asset",FALSE);
It works fine. Can anyone see & tell me if it has any side-effects?
which one to modify?