XMLPort filter/position for Business Notification

andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616

I have created a new BN and a new XMLPort called under the menu button Post - trigger <Control71> - OnPush() of form 43 Sales Invoice as following code:



lRecSalesHeader.GET(lRecSalesHeader."Document Type"::Invoice,"No.");


lRecSalesHeader is a local variable of type Record Sales Header

All goes right sending the mail on the correct - on screen invoice if I have an only one invoice (the one on screen) but if there are more invoices in NAV (more than 1 not yet registered) the mail is sent taking the data of the first one not the one that is open on screen and the user is working.

SETTABLEVIEW is ignoring the filter?

I don't understand why this. Do you have some advice about how to manage this thing?

Thank you


  • andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    Is my post clear?

    Could it be a problem of SETTABLEVIEW filter not applied/passed correctly or some wrong property of XMLPort?

    Thank you
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