"Payment Discount %" not updated in Purchase Invoice

Ravi_Prakash_GoyalRavi_Prakash_Goyal Member Posts: 72

I am working on standard NAV2009R2 database. I created a new Purch. Invoice with Vendor having Payment Terms for 1% payment discount. When I selected the Vendor, system update the "Payment Discount %". But when I changed the Posting Date or Document Date, system did not update "Payment Discount %". however, it did update "Due Date" and other fields.

This was not an issue in 4 SP3. So, I compared Table 38 and found that a new line of code is added in Standard NAV2009R2 in Payment Terms Code - OnValidate() trigger just before updating "Payment Discount %"

IF xRec."Document Date"="Document Date" THEN
VALIDATE("Payment Discount %",PaymentTerms."Discount %")

Does anyone know the purpose of this additional condition? Should not it be a reverse condtion to update "Payment Discount %" whenever Document Date is changed i.e. IF xRec."Document Date" <> "Document Date" THEN ? Thanks.


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