Hello together,
I have to limit the Customers some users see (or not). The "Responsibility Center" is not good for my case, because a Customer or User may only be in one Group. In my case Customers might be visible for more than one group of users..
I planned to do the following:
Add a INTEGER Field to the "User Setup" that contains the Group Number for the User.
Add 12 Boolean-Fields (I need 8 Groups + some extra) :
FieldNO FieldName
50101 vis_group1
50102 vis_group2
50112 vis_group12
.. So i thought I can set Filter for the different groups by calculating
VAR_FilterFieldNo :=50100 + "User Setup"."Group Number";
and set filter for the From on the Field with the calculated Number...
How can I do this ? Or do you have better Idea with same effect ?
Another possibility is:
You can insert all the group id values into one field (eg seperated by comma) in the record to be filtered and do a *value* filtering.
Hope this helps.
The way you descriped does exactly what it should !