I have installed a NAV 3 tier with SQL server , NST and web service on one machine. Both NST and web service are running with network service account. Now I can browse to the NAV web service site through internet explorer using URL like ... t/datasync where is the IP of the server that is running SQL server as well as middle tier. This particular machine has a static IP also. When I replace the loacl IP in URL with the static IP , it stops working and internet explorer does not browse to the web site any more. Could you please help me out with your expertise ?
I have got stuck here and this is only the beginning because the next step is that this web service will be called from another machine which will be running in a different location with different domain. So I need to call the web service with the static IP address.
One thing that I have skipped during installation is that - since both web service and SQL server are running on same machine with network service account , I have not added any SPN to the service.
Ok, Got the root cause. The port was blocked at the domain firewall. Its working now.
