Accounts Schedule

sandipsandip Member Posts: 58

i have defined the P&L Report in the accounts schedule.

In the row i have taken all the P & L accounts.

In the column layout i have defined all 12 months column name with date comparision period formula as

Jan -11m
feb -10m
mar -9m
apr -8m
may -7m
june -6m
july -5m
aug -4m
sep -3m
oct -2m
nov -1m
dec cm

When i run the report for the janary month it is showing the data till date.

Is there is any procedure due to which it shows the report as per date filter it shows and not for all the months.

Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,
Sandeep Deshpande


  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    What's the Column Type in the Column Layout? If you change it to the Net Change, it will display values calculated between two date.
    Ufuk Asci
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