Report Request Page "SaveValues" depends on Client Language?

Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
edited 2012-08-23 in NAV Three Tier
Hi guys,

I've a question for you.
I think I've already found the answer but I would ask your opinion.
I've observed if you run a report with "SaveValues" property set to yes values are saved only if client language isn't changed.
I think this behaviour is due to some fields like DateFormula that should have different values according to the client language like:
1D (ENU) = 1G (ITA)
Have you ever find this behaviour? In this case, what is your opinion about that?

Thank you very much.
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  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    It seems so. Request form keeps the values but page removes after a language change. Do users often change language? (if so you can prefer form version if it worths)
    I think this should be reported to MS.
    Ufuk Asci
  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    ufuk wrote:
    Do users often change language? (if so you can prefer form version if it worths)

    This is a Bulgarian customer and only one or two employees often change language between ENU and BGR.
    These are key users and they switch for example when they've to send us request (I can't speak Bulgarian :D )
    Now it's clear why only these users report us problem about saving values in request pages.
    ufuk wrote:
    I think this should be reported to MS.

    Do you know an alternative way to report this instead of opening a ticket?
    If I rembember well there should be a sort of forum where one of my colleague posted an issue and Microsoft solved it.

    Thank you ufuk.
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  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    Not sure of that forum. But MS people are in everywhere and can be listening to us:D Maybe they already have this in their issue list.
    Ufuk Asci
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    If I rembember well there should be a sort of forum where one of my colleague posted an issue and Microsoft solved it.
    You can post here
  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    If I rembember well there should be a sort of forum where one of my colleague posted an issue and Microsoft solved it.
    You can post here

    Thank you Mohana I'll do it!
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