program code is skipped for no reason

MBCrushMBCrush Member Posts: 6
edited 2005-03-15 in Navision Attain
I am running Navision Financials 2.6 .. I seem to be running into instances where my code actually has a program line not being executed .. for example, I have a single line of code like Var1 := Var2 that is between 2 other simple code lines; no nesting or anything else to diferentiate structure .. yet that one particular instruction line is not executed; although the lines before and after it are executed, Var1 never gets assigned .. in addition, the debugger view of the code does not show a breakpoint mark to the left of the instruction in question; does that mean its not considered a valid code line? .. I have several instances of this; has anyone else run into this problem


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