Excel Buffer Text limit of 250 Characters

G8torG8tor Member Posts: 29
Hello. Im doing a report that reads comments from table and output them into Excel.
These comments can be as long as 1000 characters. When I tried to send these text strings into the Excel Buffer table for proccessing and outputting to Excel I notice that
the "Cell Value as Text" field in the Excel buffer only allows 250 characters.

Is there some way for me to get one big comment ( 251+ characters) in one cell in Excel from Navision?


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    why yes ofcourse.
    However, if you stick by using excel buffer, it might get harder.

    A cell in excel is not limited to 250 characters. so the automation should be able to handle larger texts
    What I would do is add another table (extended excel buffer) that holds the row, the column and a line number so that overflows from cell value as text can be inserted in this new table (with also a field of text 250, since that is the limit of NAV).

    In code when the excel buffer assigns the field "cell value as text" to the automation cell.value, i'd add code to iterate over the records in my new table, filtered by the excel buff record primary key. with the code ExcelCel.value := excelcel.value + extendedbuffer."additional text"

    Just remember, when facing technical limitations when solving a problem, try to divide the problem in smaller problems that can be solved within the limitations
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