invalid characters in xmlport

asicsasics Member Posts: 5

I'm running nav5.0 and use xmlports to create xml files.
I've managed to create an invalid xml file as the data contains invalid characters.
Is there a way to prevent NAV from sending this strange characters?
Please find below an example of what is created....

<Description>滫ÊË¿ó¡áÙ «íÌóÕ ñ½Ù ó«½Ñí«½á </Description>


  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    Why are there invalid characters in your file? Isn't it possible to correct these corrupted characters? Otherwise, you can use built-in string functions to format your texts, automations or your own dll.

    Using DELCHR you can exclude the chars out of your predefined set: (But this method can cause performance issues and it only allows usage of the chars that are defined in your set. )
    ValidChars := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; 
    "My Field" := DELCHR("My Field",'=',DELCHR("My Field",'=',ValidChars));
    You can also write a dll (using regular expressions etc ) and call it via automation. (or you can directly call regular expression via automation and use its methods). These methods are more stable but can cause register issues.
    Ufuk Asci
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