MBS bug fix causing issue, can't find information on it

AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
edited 2012-08-13 in NAV Three Tier

One of our clients was having an issue where creating a PO from a Blanket PO would cause the item tracking information to not auto-create the Expiration Date. It was tracked down to this MBS bug fix code, but we can't find any reference to this. We would like to comment it out to solve the issue, but we don't know why it was added. Has anyone else seen this before?

IF PurchBlanketOrderLine."Expected Receipt Date" <> 0D THEN
PurchOrderLine.VALIDATE("Expected Receipt Date",PurchBlanketOrderLine."Expected Receipt Date")
PurchOrderLine.VALIDATE("Order Date",PurchOrderHeader."Order Date");

IF PurchBlanketOrderLine."Expected Receipt Date" <> 0D THEN
PurchOrderLine.VALIDATE("Expected Receipt Date",PurchBlanketOrderLine."Expected Receipt Date");


  • spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
    Is this it? It looks like they commented out the fix that MS recommended.



    P.S. I Googled PurchBlanketOrderLine."Expected Receipt Date" and came up with two other fixes that look like the same code snippet you referenced.
  • AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
    Thanks Jon, that does look like the code. We're going to comment it out and see if the original error message generates under other testing scenarios.
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